Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wed 17/1/2007

I haven't written a diary for a long time.Before I tell what happens or what I do in today,I want to say "Happy New Year". I know,it looks joke because New Year's day passed for a long time,but I think it isn't too late to say it.
Ok!!! Now I tell about today.Today is Wednesday.I don't like this day very much because I must get up very early and go home very late more than the others days.The first subject is Economic.In my Economic's class,teacher tells us about Midterm Exam's marks.I feel very excited and afraid because I didn't do it well.At first,I see my marks in my answer sheet,which is after my friend's answer sheet,I see that I get only one mark.At that time,I feel very bad ,although I know in myself that I don't very well in Economic subject,but after that I just know a first teacher,who checked my answer sheet,didn't see my answer in the next pages,so my marks has only one mark.When my teacher sees,he checks them and corrects my marks from 1 to 13.Oh!!! My god!!! At that time,I feel very happy because I pass the subject that I never pass it.My friend,Pang tells me that she didn't do it well,but she has 20 marks that is full marks of this subject,but I don't feel angry or jealous her.I feel very happy with her.After I finish my Economic's class.I must wait for 6 hours before I learn the second subject at 15.30.It is too long time,but I don't feel bored because I read my fiction in the Nampheung's dormitory.In my lunch, I eat omelet with rice in Log Home's restaurant with Nampheung,but Nampheung doesn't eat anything because she eats many rose apples and a piece of bread that makes she is full.While I am eating,my friends,Max and Jo come in the restaurant.We talk and laugh together.I and Nampheung wait them to eat finish.Then,We go to our classroom.Max, Nampheung and I go to Nampheung and Max's Economic classroom that start at 14.00.I just study it in the morning,but I must go to this class because I don't have friends.My almost friends learn Economic in this time,so I read my fiction and sleep in this class.After finished class,I and my friends must hurry to go to our Law's classroom because this class is finished at 15.30 and we learn Law that is our second subject at 15.30.It is very bad.In our Law's class,we learn about things.I don't like this class because it is very boring subject for me.I often feel sleepy and this class has 4 hours.After finished my boring class,in normally I go home immediately,but today my father has assemble and my mother has gone to Narathiwat,so I must wait my father comes.Therefore I eat my dinner with Nampheung.We eat fried rice.Then,my father comesat 20.00.When I arrive home,I eat my dinner again with my father,but a little bit and we eat ice-cream.I watch television and then do my homework.I think, I will go to sleep at 1.30.

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