Monday, January 22, 2007

Waiting for Jin Akanishi

He is my favourite singer,Now he stops doing his work and continues his studies in America.He has gone since 14 October,2006.At that time,I and many his fans in Thailand and Japan felt very shock.It was too sudden for us.It looks normal that a singer continues his studies in the others countries,but not in Japan.It means he mays be not come back to doing his work again that means he won't be a singer again.I felt too bad and lonely.I had cried for 2-3days.At first,Jin didn't give information.It had only messages from Johnny's entertainment,but after that Jin gave information.I think that his fans and mass medias wanted to Jin give information,so Johnny's entertainment decided to Jin give information.In his information,he told to mass medias that he would continue his studies in order to improve his language.He would have studied for 6 months or more than 6 months.He didn't tell what country that he would continue his studies.While he was giving information,his friends,Yuichi and Junno,who were one of members of KAT-TUN, came to courage to him and give information with him.They had also messages from others members,Kame,Tatsuya,Koki to him.I tell only Kame's message that Yuichi read it.His message told that he wished Jin try to practise and improve his language and succeed for his studies and he tried to practise and improve his work too.In his final message,he told him that He musted promise that he would come back.After finished read messages of the others members.Yuichi and Junno told that they also felt sad,but it was Jin's intention,so they admited his intention and they wanted to Jin's fans admit his intention too.In the final information,Jin apologized for his fans and he promised he would to come back again.After I watched his information,I felt better.I wanted to see it since I knew this bad news.This news was very famous in Japan.It had in every Japanese magzines and Japanese newspapers because Jin was a famous singers of Japan.I just knew about the country that he continues his studies was America after 2 month that he had gone.

I miss him very much.I miss his smile,his sound,his cheerful and everything about him.He always makes fun in KAT-TUN and all around him.I feel that after he has gone,KAT-TUN looks lonely and not lively as he is.I feel better because it still has Kame that my the most favourite singer,but I always miss him when I watch KAT-TUN that has 6 members in normally,but now has only 5 members and in normally,Jin and Kame sings closely together,so it looks lonely because it doesn't have Jin is near Kame.

I believe in his promise.I hope that he will do follow his promise.I wait him until he comes back again.

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