Friday, January 19, 2007

Fri 19/01/2007

Today is Friday.I get up very early because I learn Economics at 8.00.I feel very sleepy because yesterday,I went to bed at 2.30,but my mother didn't sleep.She watched a drama,Winter Love Song that Bae Yong Jun played though last night.This day I learn two subjects,Economics and Science.I arrive at my university,ABAC at 7.00.There are few students. I phone my friend,Pang that I wait her near university's bookstore that I always wait her.She tells me I arrive at ABAC very early.After I phone her finish,I sleep on a table.Before I sleep,I set an alarm clock in my mobile.I get up again at 7.45 and go to my Ecnomics's class with Pang.Before my teacher teaches us,he distributes our an objective test in midterm exam after he districuted our subjective test on Wednesday.I get 21 marks from 40 marks.Natt,my close friend also gets 21 marks.While I am learning, I feel very sleepy.After finished this class,my close friend ,View is waiting me in front of the classroom.We learn Science together at 11.00,so we go to Comic store and drink soft drink from Fresh One shop.I phone Nampheung that we go to her dormitory at 10.30.View buys a magazine,Ming Xiang.It has her favourite singer,Ken(F4) and I read my fiction.When a half past ten,we go to Nampheung's dormitory and we go to Science's classroom.Today,a teacher comes late.She excuses her students and tells that she confuses a classroom.In Science's class,the teacher announces our marks in midterm exam,I get 22 marks and View gets 21 marks.After finished class,I go to study Japanese language at the Sri Bun Rueang's building in Silom Road.I learn this language for 2 hours.I like this language very much.After that I go to Chilom by sky train,BTS.My mother tells me that I wait her there.Before I go to Chilom,I go to Siam.I want to buy my favourite group,KAT-TUN 'products.I buys Music Station's concert that has KAT-TUN and KAT-TUN's bunch of keys.I want to buy Countdown's concert,but it doesn't have.It will have tomorrow,so I am going to buy it tomorrow after I will learn English at Chulalonkorn university.When I arrive at Chilom station,I buy Dong Bang's VCD at a store that in Chilom station.I think,I arrive at Chilom before my mother,but she arrive before me.My mother and I go shopping and buy food and fruits in supermarket.After that we wait my dad that is meeting.It ha s for a long time,but I don't feel bored because I have my fiction.We have waited him about 2 hours.After that,we see him off in somewhere.I don't know what is building.While we are going home,my mother is watching a drama,Winter Love Song and I am sleeping.We arrive home at 20.30.I eat my dinner and watch television together.Today,it doesn't have a interesting drama.I will sleep at 1.30

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