Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A special and important word "Love"

Love is a feeling that makes everyone feels very happy,but in the same time it also makes everyone feels pain.However,everyone needs a love because everyone wants to touch a special happiness when he falls in love.

Types of love (Only I know)

1.True love - This love has only one in the world and it is a single love in your life.The real love is a pure love.Someone can do and sacrifice everything for his sweetheart's happiness even when his life.His sweetheart is his precious one.He love and be honest only his sweetheart.Everyone wants to meet it.
2.Sacrifical love - This love is one of true love.It is a unselfish and unpossessive love,but it is unwishful and sad love.Someone sacrifices his happiness for his sweetheart's happiness for example,when his sweetheart stays with him,she meets many trouble things,but when she stays another person,she meets many good things.Although,they feel happy when they stay together,but he lets her go in order to she has a better life Although,he meets a painful feeling.
3.Possessive love - It is one of true love,but it is a selfish love,but it is a wishful love.Someone wants to his sweetheart stays with him and he doesn't give his sweetheart to another person.He can do everything to possess his sweetheart and he can lose and sacrifice everything except only his sweetheart.
4.Untrue love - This love is very bad.Someone cheats his sweetheart in order to everything that makes he feels happy such as luxury and wealth.When he get everything from his sweetheart.He deserts her and he doesn't feel penitent for his bad doing with
her and he doesn't pay attention to her painful feeling.
5.Seperated love - This love is a blue love.His sweetheart passes away and he stays alone and feels lonely through his life.
6.Overlapping love - This love is among three persons.It is confused and sad love in three persons.Two persons love together and they meet a wishful and happy love,but another one loves one of two persons and he meets a unwishful and unhappy love.It must have someone who sacrifices and leaves.

Love comes unexpectly and nobody can control it.When you don't fall in love,you don't understand why someone does and sacrifice everything even then his life for another person,why someone looks good when his love is happy and wishful,why someone always speaks sweet word with another one and why someone looks too bad when his love has problem or his love is unwishful.You think,it is silly and unreasonalble,but when you fall in love,you will understand everything.

Keep your love in your best
Pay attention to and look after your sweetheart
Don't forget the important days between you and your sweetheart
To Trust and respect mutually
Your love is a special happiness forever.

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