Sunday, January 28, 2007

TOP AWARD 2006 (My happinest day)

I and the my most favourite singer,Thongchai Mcintyre (P'Bird)

TOP AWARDS 2006 is an event awarding prize to outstanding actor,actress,singer and everything that concerns with entertainment such as drama ,master of ceremonies and talk show etc. in 2006.It is organized on Friday 26th January,2007 at Thailand Culture Center.
TOP AWARDS is organized every year by TV POOL that is the most magazine of Thailand.These awards are prideful awards of everybody in entertainment because the awards come from voting results of people in Thailand.
Concept of TOP AWARDS 2006 is everybody must wear yellow evening dress because this year is The King's ascend the throne 80 years celebration.

I go to TOP AWARDS with my father.My mother can't go because she doesn't have a yellow evening dress.My father gets TOP AWARDS 2006's invitation card because my father is a friend of TV POOL owner.I want to go there very much because I want to meet and take photographs with my favourite stars and singers and the most important,I want to meet and take photographs with the my most favourite singer,Thongchai Mcintyre or P'Bird closely.That is my dream through I have favored him for 17 years.I and my father arrive there about 17.00,but TOP AWARDS 2006 starts about 18.30.We arrive there very early because I want to wait P'Bird and my others favourite artists.At this time,it has few people and many artists don't come.We meet my father's friends and then,we drink a soft drink and my father photographs me.At 17.45 some artists come.I take a photograph with Nirut Sirichanya,who is a great actor.He is the first artist that I take photograph together.He is an old man,but he looks very smart.I take photograph with P'Dan and P'Beam,who are D2B that my favourite band.I also get their signature.I feel very glad.While I am waiting P'Bird,I am taking photographs with many artists such as P'Jeen,who is my favourite singer in Academy Fantasia I,and P'Tui,who is my favourite singer in Academy Fantasia III.I have waited P'Bird until about 18.15.At this time,I see many journalists in front of someone.I know immediately,that is the most my favourite singer,P'Bird.He is coming!!!! He is coming!!!! Oh! my god! I feel the most excited in my life.P'Bird comes with his personal manager,whose name is Nok-Noy and many singers of Grammy company such as Golf,Mike,Punch,Ice and Potato band etc.It has many crowds.I can't see P'Bird clearly and my father photographs them.P'Bird and many singers of Grammy company stay there about 4-5 minutes and then,they go into the hall.I feel very happy because I see P'Bird very closely,although I don't see him clearly.I go to toilet and then,I and my father go into the hall.The most excited situation in my life happens after we go into the hall.When we are in the hall.It has few people.Everybody can sit everywhere that he or she wants.I look for P'Bird.At first,my father wants to sit a seat that is far from a stage,but I tell him I want to sit a seat that is near a stage in order to I want to see closely and clearly when P'Bird get the award.When we go to E row that is near a stage,Suddenly!!!! I see P'Bird in my left side.I feel very excited again.When I see him,I go to meet him immediately.At first,his staffs don't allow me to meet him.They tell me that P'Bird is working,but I still want to meet him.Finally,they allow me to meet him.I go into a row that is behind his row.When I go to a seat that is behind his seat.I lean myself to him very closely and say hello him.At this time, I feel the most excited and happinest in my life.I tell him that I have liked him for 17 years ago.He is very friendly.He asks me,Have you a ticket of my concert ?.I answers,Yes I have your concert's ticket on 10 March.He whispers me that it has a ticket on 9 March(Oh!!! I feel very shy).His sound is very smart and warm.While I am talking with him,my father is also photographing me and him.I take photogragh with him very closely that is the closest in my life,and I hands my book that has few signatures of some artists to him in order to he signs his signature in the first page of this book.While he is signing,I tell him my nickname,Nong Poon,so he writes my name too.Moreover,before I leave ,I want to shake hand with him.I tell him that I want to shake hand with him,so we shake hand together.He is very kind.His hand is very soft and smooth.I feel very warm and very shy when I shake hand with him.After we shake hand,my hand is shaking 555.I feel very happy.After that,I and my father go to E row.This row is opposite of P'Bird's row.I can see P'Bird throughout.The row that we sit is specific chair to artists,but we don't know.We know it when staffs tell us that we must move and sit another row,but TOP AWARDS 2006 has already started,so we can't move anywhere.I feel anixious that staffs tell us again,and many artist,who sit here,don't have a seat,so I oftens look around myself.While I am looking at around myself,my eyes and P'Bird'eyes meet together by chance.He smiles to me.I also smile to him.Oh!!! I am very shy and happy.I and my father sit this row throughout.There are many artists around us.When P'Bird get a award,I am very happy.I clap and acclaim to him.Furthermore, my favourite actor,Ken (Thiradet),my favourite actress,Ann and my favourite duo,P'Dan and P'Beam get this award too.After finished giving awards to popular artists,all artists,who get the awards,photograph with a princess,who is president in TOP AWARDS 2006 and the others including me and my father can't go out until a princess has already left.While I am waiting for a door of the hall opens,I photographs with two artists,Noi (Butsakon) and Ooy (Thana).Noi is an actress and she is Ken's sweetheart.They love together for a long time and Ooy is an actor.He had ever been a singer.He is a duo with Leaf.When the door opens,I see P'Bird and many jourists that around of him.He is giving interview to many jourists.There are many people.I raise up my head to see him and call him and my father photographs him.In his hand,it has the award.He looks very happy.After that,he leaves the hall and many jourists and his fans follow him.I and my father go home.

This day is my happinest day.For 17 years ago,I have favored P'Bird,I want to photograph with him very closely,talk with him together,see him very clearly,get his signature by myself and shake hand with him.Those are my dream through 17 years ago,and Now,my dream comes true.I feel very happy and I never forget this day forever.

P.S On 10 March,2007 I will go to P'Bird's concert,"Bird Open Floor".This day is after I have already finished my final exam.That's good!!! I will rest and have fun after terrible exam in P'Bird's Concert.I hope that I will see him clearly and closely again and I hope that he will remember me.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji or Fujisan (Japanese language) is the symbol of Japan.It is a dormant volcano that is with 3,776 meters Japan's highest mountain.It is very popular among artists and common people.
This beautiful mountain stands on the border between Yamanashi and Shizuoka Prefectures and can be seen from Tokyo,where is a capital of Japan,and Yokohama on clear days,but the easiest way to view this mountain is from the train on a trip along the Tokaido Line between Tokyo and Osaka.If you take the shinkansen,which is Japan's bullet train, from Tokyo in direction of Nagoya,Kyoto and Osaka,the best view of Mount Fuji can be enjoyed from around Shin-Fuji Station on the right hand side of the train, about 40 to 45 minutes after leaving Tokyo.
However, that clouds and poor visibility often block the beautiful view of Mount Fuji,so you have to consider yourself lucky if you get a clear view of the mountain.Visibility tends to be better during the colder seasons of the year than in summer,and in early morning and late evening hours.
If you want to enjoy Mount Fuji at a more leisurely pace and from a nice natural surrounding,you should head to the Fuji Five Lake or Fujigoko (Japanese language)region at the northern foot of the mountain or to Hakone,a nearby hot spring resort.
Mount Fuji is officially open for climbing during July and August via several routes.

Climbing Mount Fuji - A guide to climbing Mount Fuji.
Fuji Five Lakes - Resort at the foot of Mount Fuji.
Hakone - Hot spring resort with views of Mount Fuji.

I had ever gone to Japan in two times.I had ever gone to Mount Fuji at the first times,but I couldn't see the famous and beautiful mountain clearly because my trip went to Mount Fuji too late.It was too dark to see Mount Fuji clearly.I couldsee only snow that was on the top of the mountain and the weather is very cold.Although,I couldn't see Mount Fuji when I went to it,but it is very lucky that I saw it clearly when I was in airplane,and when I was in the shinkansen.It was the most beautiful mountain that I had ever seen. Although,I had ever seen the mountain,but I want to see Mount Fuji closely.I hope that I will have a chance to see it very closely and clearly that I want.

I don't doubt why Mount Fuji is the symbol of Japan and very popular in people around the world.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A special and important word "Love"

Love is a feeling that makes everyone feels very happy,but in the same time it also makes everyone feels pain.However,everyone needs a love because everyone wants to touch a special happiness when he falls in love.

Types of love (Only I know)

1.True love - This love has only one in the world and it is a single love in your life.The real love is a pure love.Someone can do and sacrifice everything for his sweetheart's happiness even when his life.His sweetheart is his precious one.He love and be honest only his sweetheart.Everyone wants to meet it.
2.Sacrifical love - This love is one of true love.It is a unselfish and unpossessive love,but it is unwishful and sad love.Someone sacrifices his happiness for his sweetheart's happiness for example,when his sweetheart stays with him,she meets many trouble things,but when she stays another person,she meets many good things.Although,they feel happy when they stay together,but he lets her go in order to she has a better life Although,he meets a painful feeling.
3.Possessive love - It is one of true love,but it is a selfish love,but it is a wishful love.Someone wants to his sweetheart stays with him and he doesn't give his sweetheart to another person.He can do everything to possess his sweetheart and he can lose and sacrifice everything except only his sweetheart.
4.Untrue love - This love is very bad.Someone cheats his sweetheart in order to everything that makes he feels happy such as luxury and wealth.When he get everything from his sweetheart.He deserts her and he doesn't feel penitent for his bad doing with
her and he doesn't pay attention to her painful feeling.
5.Seperated love - This love is a blue love.His sweetheart passes away and he stays alone and feels lonely through his life.
6.Overlapping love - This love is among three persons.It is confused and sad love in three persons.Two persons love together and they meet a wishful and happy love,but another one loves one of two persons and he meets a unwishful and unhappy love.It must have someone who sacrifices and leaves.

Love comes unexpectly and nobody can control it.When you don't fall in love,you don't understand why someone does and sacrifice everything even then his life for another person,why someone looks good when his love is happy and wishful,why someone always speaks sweet word with another one and why someone looks too bad when his love has problem or his love is unwishful.You think,it is silly and unreasonalble,but when you fall in love,you will understand everything.

Keep your love in your best
Pay attention to and look after your sweetheart
Don't forget the important days between you and your sweetheart
To Trust and respect mutually
Your love is a special happiness forever.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Waiting for Jin Akanishi

He is my favourite singer,Now he stops doing his work and continues his studies in America.He has gone since 14 October,2006.At that time,I and many his fans in Thailand and Japan felt very shock.It was too sudden for us.It looks normal that a singer continues his studies in the others countries,but not in Japan.It means he mays be not come back to doing his work again that means he won't be a singer again.I felt too bad and lonely.I had cried for 2-3days.At first,Jin didn't give information.It had only messages from Johnny's entertainment,but after that Jin gave information.I think that his fans and mass medias wanted to Jin give information,so Johnny's entertainment decided to Jin give information.In his information,he told to mass medias that he would continue his studies in order to improve his language.He would have studied for 6 months or more than 6 months.He didn't tell what country that he would continue his studies.While he was giving information,his friends,Yuichi and Junno,who were one of members of KAT-TUN, came to courage to him and give information with him.They had also messages from others members,Kame,Tatsuya,Koki to him.I tell only Kame's message that Yuichi read it.His message told that he wished Jin try to practise and improve his language and succeed for his studies and he tried to practise and improve his work too.In his final message,he told him that He musted promise that he would come back.After finished read messages of the others members.Yuichi and Junno told that they also felt sad,but it was Jin's intention,so they admited his intention and they wanted to Jin's fans admit his intention too.In the final information,Jin apologized for his fans and he promised he would to come back again.After I watched his information,I felt better.I wanted to see it since I knew this bad news.This news was very famous in Japan.It had in every Japanese magzines and Japanese newspapers because Jin was a famous singers of Japan.I just knew about the country that he continues his studies was America after 2 month that he had gone.

I miss him very much.I miss his smile,his sound,his cheerful and everything about him.He always makes fun in KAT-TUN and all around him.I feel that after he has gone,KAT-TUN looks lonely and not lively as he is.I feel better because it still has Kame that my the most favourite singer,but I always miss him when I watch KAT-TUN that has 6 members in normally,but now has only 5 members and in normally,Jin and Kame sings closely together,so it looks lonely because it doesn't have Jin is near Kame.

I believe in his promise.I hope that he will do follow his promise.I wait him until he comes back again.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Sat 20/01/2007

This day,I learn English in Chulalongkorn University.My mother and my father don't see me off.They go to a province with my aunt and my uncle.I envy them very much.My driver and my grandmother see me off to replace them.While I am learning,I feel very sleepy because I slept very late last night,so I buy a glass of chocolate.Today,it is football game of between Chulalongkorn University and Thammasat University.While I am learning,I meet my close friend,Pear.We don't meet together for a long time.I am ver glad.She is very nice.She learns in Chulalongkorn University.After finished learning,I want to go to SHIMARU or I-SHI,where is a shop that sell about KAT-TUN and all asian singers.I always buy products of KAT-TUN in there.I want to go there because I want to buy Johnny's Jr.Countdown's concert that yesterday it didnt have.I buy Johnny's Jr.Countdown's concert and a new release of Dong Bang.After that,we go to a restaurant.I can't remember a name of restaurant.This restaurant I oftens eat food in here,but my grandmother have never eaten in here.I eat a bowl of noodle.It is very delicious.Then,my driver see me and my grandmother in ABAC.Today,I learn criminal law subject in ABAC.I stay in Nampheung's dormitory and my grandmother stays in E building to wait me.After finished this class,I come home.When I stay at home,I watch DVD of Countdown's concert and Music Station's concert.Kame,my favourite singer is very nice.
Today,I feel very tired and bored.I feel I that I learn too much.I don't have a day that I rest.I learn everyday.I want to travel or rest in holiday as my friends.Although,I feel too bad,but I can't do anything.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Fri 19/01/2007

Today is Friday.I get up very early because I learn Economics at 8.00.I feel very sleepy because yesterday,I went to bed at 2.30,but my mother didn't sleep.She watched a drama,Winter Love Song that Bae Yong Jun played though last night.This day I learn two subjects,Economics and Science.I arrive at my university,ABAC at 7.00.There are few students. I phone my friend,Pang that I wait her near university's bookstore that I always wait her.She tells me I arrive at ABAC very early.After I phone her finish,I sleep on a table.Before I sleep,I set an alarm clock in my mobile.I get up again at 7.45 and go to my Ecnomics's class with Pang.Before my teacher teaches us,he distributes our an objective test in midterm exam after he districuted our subjective test on Wednesday.I get 21 marks from 40 marks.Natt,my close friend also gets 21 marks.While I am learning, I feel very sleepy.After finished this class,my close friend ,View is waiting me in front of the classroom.We learn Science together at 11.00,so we go to Comic store and drink soft drink from Fresh One shop.I phone Nampheung that we go to her dormitory at 10.30.View buys a magazine,Ming Xiang.It has her favourite singer,Ken(F4) and I read my fiction.When a half past ten,we go to Nampheung's dormitory and we go to Science's classroom.Today,a teacher comes late.She excuses her students and tells that she confuses a classroom.In Science's class,the teacher announces our marks in midterm exam,I get 22 marks and View gets 21 marks.After finished class,I go to study Japanese language at the Sri Bun Rueang's building in Silom Road.I learn this language for 2 hours.I like this language very much.After that I go to Chilom by sky train,BTS.My mother tells me that I wait her there.Before I go to Chilom,I go to Siam.I want to buy my favourite group,KAT-TUN 'products.I buys Music Station's concert that has KAT-TUN and KAT-TUN's bunch of keys.I want to buy Countdown's concert,but it doesn't have.It will have tomorrow,so I am going to buy it tomorrow after I will learn English at Chulalonkorn university.When I arrive at Chilom station,I buy Dong Bang's VCD at a store that in Chilom station.I think,I arrive at Chilom before my mother,but she arrive before me.My mother and I go shopping and buy food and fruits in supermarket.After that we wait my dad that is meeting.It ha s for a long time,but I don't feel bored because I have my fiction.We have waited him about 2 hours.After that,we see him off in somewhere.I don't know what is building.While we are going home,my mother is watching a drama,Winter Love Song and I am sleeping.We arrive home at 20.30.I eat my dinner and watch television together.Today,it doesn't have a interesting drama.I will sleep at 1.30

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Thu 18/01/2007

Today is Thursday.I like this day more than the others days because I learn only one subject,Engish for law.I learn only 1 hours and a half (9.30-11.00)and my teacher often lets us go before time up about a half (10.30)only this day.In normally,I go to Chidlom to learn piano,but this month I drop it because my teacher is very busy,so today I feel very happy.After finished class,I and Nampheung go to a restaurant,but she doesn't eat because she isn't hungry.I eat fried chicken with rice.After that,we go to Nampheung's dormitory.I wait Ae,my driver there.Ae arrives at 11.45.Today,Nampheung goes to meet a dentist and I go to Suwannapoom airport.My mother have gone to Narathiwat on Tuesday-Thursday,so today she comes home.I have waited her for 2 hours,but I don't feel bored,because I watch a drama,Tatta Hitotsu no koi that Kame played in my car.When she arrives,she feel very hungry,so we go to eat noodles.We arrive home at 15.00.At first, I want to watch television,but I feel very sleepy,so I go to bed immediately and my mother watchs Winter Love Song' VCDs that Bae Yong Jun played.He is her favourite star.This drama is Korea drama and it is very famous not only in Korea but also in international country,especially in Japan.Japanese like this drama very much and they favor Bae Yong Jun because of this drama.He also received award of Japan in this drama.I have slept for 2 hours and gets up to watch the drama with my mother.In my dinner,I eat food that from Narathiwat.They are very delicious.After that I watch television and practise Japanese language together because tomorrow,I am going to learn Japanese language that I like it very much.
P.S My picture is in Buddha's teachings in Japan that teaches us "Don't see,don't talk and don't listen in bad things through these three monkeys .I know it when I went to Japan.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wed 17/1/2007

I haven't written a diary for a long time.Before I tell what happens or what I do in today,I want to say "Happy New Year". I know,it looks joke because New Year's day passed for a long time,but I think it isn't too late to say it.
Ok!!! Now I tell about today.Today is Wednesday.I don't like this day very much because I must get up very early and go home very late more than the others days.The first subject is Economic.In my Economic's class,teacher tells us about Midterm Exam's marks.I feel very excited and afraid because I didn't do it well.At first,I see my marks in my answer sheet,which is after my friend's answer sheet,I see that I get only one mark.At that time,I feel very bad ,although I know in myself that I don't very well in Economic subject,but after that I just know a first teacher,who checked my answer sheet,didn't see my answer in the next pages,so my marks has only one mark.When my teacher sees,he checks them and corrects my marks from 1 to 13.Oh!!! My god!!! At that time,I feel very happy because I pass the subject that I never pass it.My friend,Pang tells me that she didn't do it well,but she has 20 marks that is full marks of this subject,but I don't feel angry or jealous her.I feel very happy with her.After I finish my Economic's class.I must wait for 6 hours before I learn the second subject at 15.30.It is too long time,but I don't feel bored because I read my fiction in the Nampheung's dormitory.In my lunch, I eat omelet with rice in Log Home's restaurant with Nampheung,but Nampheung doesn't eat anything because she eats many rose apples and a piece of bread that makes she is full.While I am eating,my friends,Max and Jo come in the restaurant.We talk and laugh together.I and Nampheung wait them to eat finish.Then,We go to our classroom.Max, Nampheung and I go to Nampheung and Max's Economic classroom that start at 14.00.I just study it in the morning,but I must go to this class because I don't have friends.My almost friends learn Economic in this time,so I read my fiction and sleep in this class.After finished class,I and my friends must hurry to go to our Law's classroom because this class is finished at 15.30 and we learn Law that is our second subject at 15.30.It is very bad.In our Law's class,we learn about things.I don't like this class because it is very boring subject for me.I often feel sleepy and this class has 4 hours.After finished my boring class,in normally I go home immediately,but today my father has assemble and my mother has gone to Narathiwat,so I must wait my father comes.Therefore I eat my dinner with Nampheung.We eat fried rice.Then,my father comesat 20.00.When I arrive home,I eat my dinner again with my father,but a little bit and we eat ice-cream.I watch television and then do my homework.I think, I will go to sleep at 1.30.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Tatta Hitotsu no Koi (Just One Love)

A story of pure love between the son of a man who runs a ship repair factory beset with financial troubles and the well-bred daughter of a national jewelry chain store owner. The backdrop of the story is " Yokohama". If you feel you have lost the purity of your soul by watching stories about womanizers seducing impudent women,or by carring out calculated maneuvers in your own love life,here is a story for you.

A boy and a girl from highly different social backgrounds meet and fall in love.Their love,of course,faces a lot of obstacles. The setting is in "Yokohama",a modern port city known for its romantic atmosphere.Hiroto Kanzaki (Kazuya Kamenashi) works hard every day and night for the survival of a small ship repair factory (inherited from his father) as well as the survival of his mother and younger brother,who is suffering from health problems. Living such underprivileged life.Hiroto has forgotten how to smile.In contrast to him,Nao Tsukioka (Haruka Ayase) is the daughter of a popular jewelry shop owner in a fashionable street in "Yokohama".


1.Kazuya Kamenashi - Hiroto Kanzaki (The first picture)
2.Haruka Ayase - Nao Tsukioka (The second
picture that beside the picture of Kazuya)
3.Erika Toda - Yuuko, Nao's close friend (Under the
picture of Haruka)
4.Koki Tanaka - Kou Kusano,Hiroto's friend and Yuuko's boyfriend,but in the end of the story they don't marry together (Under the picture of Kazuya)
5.Yuuta Hiraoka - Ayuta,Hiroto's friend (Under the picture of Erika)

Tatta Hitotsu no Koi or Just One Love is a Japanese drama.It has 12 episodes.It is diffused on NTV Station TV that is a Japanese Station TV in 2006.
This is the latest drama of my favourite Japanese singer, Kazuya Kamenashi. He plays very well.I like his role in this drama more than the others dramas that he ever played because in this role,I feel he is a warm man.He looks smart and nice and he is a gentleman.Moreover,this drama is very romantic more that the others drama that he ever played and I also like romantic drama.Although, some scenes have many obstacles between Hiroto and Nao that makes me cry,but this drama show a real love of Hiroto and Nao and the end of the story also Happy Ending.I watch this drama in two times and it makes me to like Kazuya more than in the past.