Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Society of the Royal Navy Concert "Red-Cross Concert"

On Thursday 19th of July, 2007 I go to The Society of Royal Navy concert “Red-Cross concert” at Thai Culture Center with my aunt and my uncle. At first, I go to this concert with my father and my mother, but my father is sick, so I go to this concert with my aunt and my uncle. I also bring camera and telescope. I had ever gone to the Society of the Royal Navy concert before. It had 2 parts. First part, The Royal Navy Band produced melody and second part had invited singers to sing with this band. I didn’t like the first part because it made me feel sleepy, but I liked the second part because it didn’t look boring like the first part, and I liked listening to invited singers sang with the Royal Navy Band more than listening to only produced melody. By the way, the Red-Cross concert has 2 days, on 19th and 20th of July. The concert starts at seven o’clock in the night. Our seats are far from the stage. The concert has 2 parts as the first time that I went to the Society of the Royal Navy concert in the first time. First part, the Royal Navy Band produces melody of songs that writings by the king, but this time I feel sleepy a little bit because it has my favorite songs are produced melody. In the first part, it has many people, but many seats are empty too, but in the second part I feel surprised because the seats are full. The second part has three invited singers. Each invited singer sings only 2 songs that writing by the king and songs write for the king by Mr.Nitipon Hornak, who is famous composer. The only reason that I decide to go to this concert is one of three invited singers has my favorite singer, P’Bird Thongchai McIntyre. The First of invited singers is P’Pat Sutasinee Putthinan. Her voice is hoarse because she is sick. In normally, her voice is very well, but I feel impressed with her because she has spirit. She goes to sing this concert, although she is sick. The Second of invited singers is Mrs. Thiranai Na Nongkai. Her voice is very well. While the 2 invited singers sing songs, many people listen to their voice with becoming quite. No one talks or photograph. This concert doesn’t allow photographing too, but the last of invited singers, P’Bird comes to the stage, everything changes immediately. It has scream from many people, everyone takes photograph him and it has laughing from everybody. It is like the Red-Cross concert is changed to P’ Bird’s concert. I take photograph him alternating with watch him with my telescope. He looks very handsome with suit. I feel very happy and excited. Today, his voice is hoarse like P’Pat. I think he is sick too. I have pity on him, but I feel impressed him too because he has spirit and responsibility for his work. After P’ Bird sings 2 songs finished, The three invited singers sing songs together with The Society of the Royal Navy Band. Before the three invited singer come back to back of the stage, someone call P’Bird loudly. She calls him that P’Bird turn back again!!!! He also turn back follow her wishing and smile. After that it has harmonized singers of the Royal Navy Band sing 2 songs that writing by the kings. I take photograph P'Bird about 32 pictures.The concert is finished at ten o’clock in the night.

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