Thursday, February 22, 2007

The most my favorite Japanese singer’s birthday (Kazuya Kamenashi's birthday)

This month is February. Not only it has a Valentine’s Day that is a day of love, but it also has Kazuya Kamenashi’s birthday. His birthday is on 23rd February. He is the most my favorite Japanese singer. Every year since I have favored him for 5 years, I feel very excited and happy when his birthday is coming. I don’t know why I feel that, but I feel his birthday is one of my important days.
Last year was different and special from others years because Kazuya was 20 years old that meant he attained adulthood. It was important in his life. I mailed a card and a letter to him in order to congratulate him. That was my first time that I mailed Happy Birthday’s card to him. I felt very excited. I did them in my best. Although, at that time I was very busy because I had an entrance examination that was the most important exam in my life, but I still wanted to do them for him. I mailed them to agent, who would carry many cards and many letters from his fans to him in Japan. I hoped that my card and letter would reach to him, and he would like them too. But my dream didn’t come true because my letter and card were given back to my house from a post office, and they looked wrinkled that made me feel too bad. It looked like my heart was damaged as them. Although, this situation was a bad memory in my life, but I have still kept my wrinkled card and letter until in the present. Because of they are evidences that I had ever mailed Happy Birthday’s card and letter to him in once time. Even he didn’t receive them.
In his birthday in this year, I do everything as others past years. Before one day from his birthday that is 22nd February, I always set alarm clock at midnight. When the alarm clock rings, it is a signal that his birthday has already arrived. I sing Happy Birthday’s song and tell “Happy Birthday” in front of his picture. I know, it looks strange, but I do like this because I have no chance to meet him in his birthday by myself. Moreover when I do like this, I feel that I tell “Happy Birthday” and sing Happy Birthday’s song in front of his real. All day along of his birthday, I feel very happy, and tell everyone that “Today is Kazuya’s birthday”.
In the future, I hope that I will have a chance to meet him in his birthday in Japan. I will tell “Happy Birthday” and give a gift to him by myself.



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