Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Today, I get up at 5.30. I feel very sleepy because last night I went to bed at 2.00. At present, I always go to bed very late that makes I often feel very tired, not fresh and very sleepy. I go to my university at 6.45. I know you doubt that I get up very early, but why I go out late. Because of my driver arrives in my home late. He often arrives in my house late. He isn’t responsible for his work. By the way, my bag is very heavy.
I arrive in ABAC at 7.00. After that, I phone to my friend, Plang and then, I sleep at a desk near Bookstore of ABAC. I get up at 8.00 that my class starts. When I get up, my another friend, Kae tells me that she call me many times, but I don’t awake and then, I go to toilet very quickly and go to my Economic class. In last week, my teacher told us that in the next class that is today, it has class test. I felt very nervous, but today, it hasn’t class test. He tells us to write many subject matters in his power point. After finished class, in normally, I go to Nampheung’s dormitory, but today, I and my both friends, Plang and Gift go to Gift’s dormitory. We gather many subject matters of economic in order to read in final exam. After that, we watch many pictures that I went to Japan on my computer. Plang and Gift want to go to Japan when they watch them. After that, I and Plang eat some food in my friend’s restaurant, but Gift doesn’t eat with us because she has already bought her lunch. I eat noodle and Plang eat fried rice. I phone to Nampheung that we are eating in my friend’s restaurant. When we are full, but Nampheung doesn’t come, so we talk about ghost stories while we are waiting her. We feel afraid of ghost, but we like to listen about it. It looks joke. While we are talking, Nampheung comes in the restaurant. She tells us that she will buy her mother’s lunch and she will meet us at a comic store after she gives her mother’s lunch to her. We arrive before her. I read same comics. While we are reading comics, she comes in the comic store and picks up three comics. At 14.00, Nampheung must go to her economic class. In normally, I go with her, but last week, I slept and I was teased by a teacher that makes me to feel very shy. We are reading comics until a quarter past one. We feel very sleepy, so we go to ABAC condominium that is Plang’s dormitory. ABAC condominium has two buildings, A building and B building. Plang stays in B building, and my friend, Natt stays in A building. I had ever gone to her room in twice. When we stay in her room, at first we want to sleep, but now we watch television and I type about criminal law subject while I am watching television. At 15.30 we go to Family Mart to buy some sweet and then, we go to my law class. I send a short message to Nampheung and Natt ,“See you in a law class”. I think, we go too late, but when we arrive, a teacher doesn’t start teaching, and Nampheung , Natt and my others friends, who learn Economic , don’t stay in this class. I feel doubt, why they haven’t already stayed because it is too late. It is at 16.00 that this class starts at 15.30. While I am learning about fifteen minutes, they come in the class. I ask Nampheung that why she comes too late. She answer, the teacher of economic give his student write many subject matters that I wrote them this morning. During I am learning, I feel very sleepy because all day, I don’t sleep except this morning. This class is finished at 18.15 before time up 15 minutes. After that, I and Nampheung go to a restaurant with Champ and Natt, but we don’t eat. We only copy economic sheet from Champ. After that we go to Nampheung’s dormitory. Today, my mother arrives at Namphueng’s dormitory very late. My car arrives at 19.45

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