Thursday, February 22, 2007

My wish and my dream in the future

1.I want be an international legal adviser in the future. Although, I don’t like a law in the present, but I think, this career is good, comfortable and stable for my life. Moreover, it is suitable for a woman as me.

2.I want to speak and understand many languages, especially, Japanese and English language very well because Japanese language is my favorite language, and English language is a language that many people around the world use for communicate with others people.

3.I want to do my work in Japan because this country is my favorite country.

4.I want to meet many good persons and I will have many good friends too.

5.I want to meet my favorite Japanese singer, Kazuya Kamenashi (Kame) and Jin Akanishi, who are one of members of KAT-TUN, in Japan. Since I have favored them, I have never seen or met their real. I always envy my friends, who had ever seen or met their real when they went to Thailand or my friends went to see KAT-TUN concert in Japan. I remember that they went to Thailand in third times. At that time, I learnt in M.3 that KAT-TUN went to my country in the first time with Tackey, who was a duo with Tsubasa. Tackey and KAT-TUN had a concert with many Thai singers such as Thongchai Mcintyre, who was my favorite singer, in Pattaya Music Festival. At that time, I didn’t favor Jin and Kame. In second time, Tackey and KAT-TUN had a concert in J-ASEAN concert. I learnt in M.4, and I had already favored Jin and Kame. I wanted to go this concert very much, but I had a final exam in my school, Moreover, my family didn’t allow me. I couldn’t go this concert, but Lookpla and Kade, who are my friends in my school, could go this concert, and they saw their real. Although, they had a final exam as me, but their family allowed them to go this concert. At that time, I felt too bad. In the last time, Tackey, Tsubasa and KAT-TUN had a concert in J-POP concert that I learnt in M.5. I wanted to go this concert. At that time, I hoped that my family allowed me to go this concert because I hadn’t a exam, but my dream didn’t come true again, but the same friends could go this concert and saw their real again. I felt too bad more than in the second time because I hadn’t an exam, why my family didn’t allow me? They made me to miss two chances to see Jin and Kame. Moreover, Lookpla went to KAT-TUN debut’s concert in Japan too, and saw them again. Why I didn’t have a chance like her? I hope that I will meet or see Jin and Kame very closely in the future. I want to meet with them like I met P’ Bird in TOP AWARD party.

6.I want to stay in Japan with my family. I can’t stay alone. Although, this country is my favorite country. I am a lonely woman.

7.I want many problems in 3 provinces in the south of Thailand stop, and Thai people win many terrorists, and the evil terrorists will be executed. I can’t go to meet my parents in Narathiwat for 5 years because of many evil terrorists. Moreover, the evil terrorists have killed many pure people all along. They are cold-blooded creatures, and they make my country isn’t peaceful. I think, they will be executed that is suitable for their evil doing. Although, it looks ruthless.

8.I wish to be brave and clever woman and do everything in myself.

9.I wish to have a good husband and good family. My husband is a kind and unselfish man, and he can look after and protect me. Moreover he looks smart. In the present, I don’t have boyfriend, but it is good because I am learning, and I don’t want to have a boyfriend. I have loved only my friends, my family and my favorite singers.

10.I wish, I will happy and success for everything through my life.

I don’t know that in 10 choices are whole of my wish and my dream in the future? , but they are the most my wish and my dream. I hope that they will come true.

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