Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Watching Meteor

On Saturday 11th of August, 2007 I go to Pakchong that is in Naronratchasima, to watch Meteor on Sunday 12th of August. I go there with my uncle, my aunt and their servant. This is my first time that I don’t go to Pakchong with my mother and my father, so I feel lonely a little bit. After I learn Criminal II in ABAC and English in Chulalongkorn University finished, I come home for packing my bag in few minutes. Then, I go to Fashion Island with my mother and my father. It is shopping mall. We go there to eat dinner with my aunt and my uncle, who are waiting for me. After we eat together finished, my aunt, my uncle, their servant and I go to Pakchong at 7p.m. and we arrive at my uncle and my aunt’s house at midnight. Before I come into their house, I go to their friends’ house that is near with their house. Their friends’ names are Somboon and Took. They are husband and wife. I sit on porch of the house to watch star in the sky with my uncle and his two friends. At that time, there are stars very little and many cloud. The sky is too dark. I sit on there for 30 minutes and I come into my uncle and my aunt’s house. I take a bath, and then I go to living-room to watch a movie on Channel 7 with my uncle. While I am watching the movie with my uncle, my brother and my two sisters arrive at this house with their mother, father and grandmother. Their names are Boss, Beam and Boom. They are children of my uncle’s sister. We had ever met before and we are close each other, especially I am close with Beam. I feel happy because I have brother and two sisters to be friend for me. Moreover, they make me to not feel lonely. I sleep in this day at 2 am. In the morning of Sunday 12th, I get up at half past nine. Everybody has already eaten breakfast. I eat some food that my uncle cooks. He had never cooked before. This is his first time for cooking. The taste of food is delicious a little bit because it is too sweet, but I think my uncle is good for cooking because this is his first time for cooking, and the food can eat, although it is too sweet and delicious a little bit. After my breakfast, I take a bath. Then, I watch P’Bird’s concert (Together), P’Bird’s movie (Koo-Gum) and Summary concert (Kat-Tun VS News plays concert like fighting together) in my uncle and my aunt’ bedroom, but I watch some parts of the DVDs. After that, I watch Korean Series with my aunt, my uncle and read Koo-Gum fiction during watching Korean series, and I also eat some snack while I watching it, but I sleep during I am watching Korean Series. I get up again at 2 pm. Before I sleep, father, mother and grandmother of Boss, Beam and Boom go to city to buy some food for lunch, but when I get up, they don’t come back. I, my uncle, my aunt, Boss, Beam and Boom are waiting for them, but they don’t still come back and we are very hungry, so we decide to go to Outlet, where is a shopping place, to eat something. We eat waffle and ice-cream in Outlet. We are full very much, although we don’t eat some food. After that, we come home. When we arrive at home, father, mother and grandmother of Boss, Beam and Boom have already stayed at home, and some food that they buy are on table, but we are full very much, so that food is our dinner. I feel very excited when it is evening because the sky is clear and I will watch meteor very clearly in the night too. Before I eat dinner, I, my uncle, my aunt, Beam and two servants go to the market fair. My uncle and two servants buy miscellaneous things in the market fair, but I, my aunt and Beam go to VCD shop. My aunt buys Korean series. I change Koo-Gum DVD because one DVD has problem, and buy Kurosaki, which is Yama P was starred. We stay in the market fair and VCD shop for 30 minutes, and we come home very quickly because we want to watch meteor at home, but while we are coming home, it rains, so the sky isn’t clear, and I can’t watch meteor clearly that I want. I feel disappointed. While everybody is eating dinner, it is also raining. After I eat dinner finished, the rain stops. The sky is clear a little bit. I, Beam and Boom wait meteor, but everybody isn’t interested meteor like us. They watch the action movie in the living-room, so it has only I, Beam and Boom sit on the chair and watch on the sky. We have waited meteor for 3 hours, but it hasn’t anything. At that time, No one stay with us. We are waiting for meteor among soundlessness. It looks very fearful. We decide come inside very quickly when the all of the lights in the garden of others house turn off. Moreover, the sky looks too dark that make us feel more fearful. We discuss that how we can do to watch meteor because we are fearful very much, so we decide to wake my uncle up, but he doesn’t get up, so we discuss again that we go to sleep, and we don’t go outside to watch meteor again or we go outside to watch meteor. At first, we decide to go to sleep, but my friend phones me. She also watch meteor in Bangkok. She tells me that at 4 a.m. - 5 a.m. has meteor again, so I and Beam sleep in my uncle and my aunt’s bedroom until at 4 a.m. because their bedroom is near the place that watching meteor, but Boom go to sleep in her bedroom and she doesn’t watch meteor again. At 4 a.m. - 5a.m. I and Beam have waited for meteor. I see only little two meteors, and Beam see only one meteor, but I feel it isn’t enough. I feel disappointed very much. After that, I and Beam go to sleep in my uncle and my aunt’s bedroom again. On Monday in the morning, I get up at half past nine. I eat breakfast before I take a bath. At first, I must come to Bangkok because I must discuss about constitution with my friends in law class at 5 p.m., but it is something that is too busy, so I can’t come home that I want. I and everybody go out from my uncle and my aunt at 1 p.m. We eat lunch in the restaurant. I can’t remember the name of restaurant, and then we go to vineyard. In vineyard has beautiful nature. I photograph many photos, but the weather is very hot. After that, we come back to Bangkok. I arrive home at 10 p.m.
I feel disappointed for this trip very much because I see very few meteors. They are less than I had ever seen for 10 years ago, but I am also happy because I meet Boss, Beam, Boom that I haven’t met them for a long time, and I have freedom in myself that I seldom get it because my mother and my father always control me, but this trip they don’t come with me, so I can get freedom in myself as I want. I feel happy very much, although I feel lonely a little bit.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Nice picture! Don' forget the simple past tense..