Thursday, August 9, 2007

My holiday

On Wednesday 8th of August, 2007 I don’t study in this day because there is the Universiade, but I go to my university to do my group’s work and watch Koo-Gum, which is the old drama that my favorite singer or P’Bird was starred with Kwang (Kamonchanok), with Nampheung and Pang. I arrive in Nampheung’s dormitory at 8 o’clock. At that time, it is raining. When I arrive in Nampheung’s dormitory, I see my university is closed, so today we can’t do our group’s work because we must search information about our group’s work in the library. I have stayed in Nampheung’s dormitory for 1 hour. Then, we eat breakfast at cafeteria in ABAC with Pang and Gift. I eat noodle. It isn’t delicious. After that, I go to Pang’s dormitory with Pang and Nampheung.
Because of we can’t do our group’s work, so we watch Koo-Gum in Disc 6 and the end of drama in Disc 7. We have watched this drama for several days. The first day that I brought it to watch in Pang’s dormitory, I thought Pang and Nampheung weren’t interested Koo-Gum, but they were interested it very much. I have favored Koo-Gum in P’Bird version since I was young because P’Bird acted to be Kobori very well. Moreover, he looks very handsome, but I don’t like only the part of the end of the drama because Kobori died. In the past that I watched this part, I also cried. In this present, I think I don’t cry again because I had ever watched this part several times, and I watch with Pang and Nampheung that they are making fun while we are watching Koo-Gum. I think this is my first time that I don’t cry very much when I watch the end of the drama, but finally I also cry very much as in the past. I start crying since before the part of drama that Kobori died. At first, Nampheung doesn’t cry, but she starts crying in the part that Kobori died, but Pang doesn’t cry. The reason that I always cry when I watch this part are I have pity on Kobori because he had never been happy because Kobori loves heroine or Angsumalin. He does everything for her, but she hates him. When she loves him, she doesn’t show her real feeling to tell him that she loves him, but when she will show him to know that she loves him, he is going to die. Moreover, sometimes I don’t see Kobori died, but I see P’Bird died that is the important reason that makes me cry easily. My eye and Nampheung’s eyes are swelled. We watch this drama for 7 hours, and we don’t eat food in our lunch.
After we watch this drama finished, we go down from Pang’s dormitory, and we go to Oscar restaurant to eat some food in our dinner. We feel hungry very much. Although, I feel hungry very much, but I eat Pat-Tai a little bit. After we eat our dinner finished, we go to S building to read English book together. At that time, it rains a little bit. In S building, it has many mosquitoes. We are also bitten and annoyed by many mosquitoes. We read English book about 1 hour. Then, we go to Nampheung’s dormitory to watch Glin-Kaew-Klang-Jai, which is a drama on Channel 3, is end of the story in today. I watch about 30 minutes, and I go home. It has traffic jam during I come home. I arrive home at half past eight.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Good post. But please don't use red as a font color. It makes it harder for me to read.