Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Moving Nampheung’s room

On Monday 27th of August, 2007 I went to Nampheung’s dormitory very early as every day, but this day Nampheung and her mother moved the room to a new room that on upstairs from the old room. It was bigger than the old room, but it was very dirty. There were many dusts in this new room, so before I and Nampheung studied English II ,I helped them to move things such as their cloths, Nampheung’s books, their bags and keyboard of Nampheung’s computer etc. I helped her mother moved a bed, a table and a dresser in the new room. Moreover, I also rubbed the new room in 2 times. I felt tired, but I also felt happy because I could help them moving the room. I felt worried every timed that I went to their room very early. It made annoy for them.
Helping them in this time decreases my worrying because I feel it compensates for I annoy them almost every morning.

My shameful situation

When I did my blog about I watched meteor at Pakchong, I searched meteor’s picture. While I was searching it, I saw some information in internet. It told that on 27th of August it would have Mars at midnight. I felt very excited, and I told my aunt, my uncle and my friends about it. Moreover, I also wrote memo the phenomenon in my mobile.
When on Monday 27th of August I felt very excited and happy, and I also reminded my friends about the phenomenon. After I arrived at home at 8 P.M., I called my friend, who I forgot to tell this phenomenon. She liked to watch phenomenon as me. At that time, I didn’t know what side that Mars would appear, so I searched it in internet again in order to tell it to my friends. When I saw the information again, it appeared that it had Mars on 27th of August, but it was 27th of August, 2003. It wasn’t in this year. In this year, it had Mars on 19th of December. At that time, I felt disappointed and shameful. I didn’t see the information carefully beforehand. I hurried to call everyone who I told this phenomenon, and said “Sorry” to everyone. My aunt and my uncle stayed in Pakchong. They went there to watch Mars. I felt very worried that I made them waste the time, but they said “Never Mind”. While I was searching another phenomenon that would appear in this year, I found information that made me feel better. It would have the lunar eclipse tomorrow, on Tuesday 28th of August. It had happened since from 14.54 P.M to 20.21 P.M, but in Thailand could see this phenomenon after 18.32 P.M. I hurried to tell the phenomenon to my aunt, my uncle, and my friends
I felt disappointed again because at the time in the day that had the lunar eclipse happen I couldn’t see it because it had many cloud in the sky. It obscured the moon. At that time, my feeling was same as the day that I watched meteor.
This shameful situation teaches me that in the future I should be careful to do or see something. I will try to see or do something clearly and carefully before deciding and understanding.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Laser moles on my face

On Thursday 23rd of August, 2007 after I studies English II at my university finished. I went to Chid-Lom to learn piano with my mother and my grandmother. After that I went to Samithivej hospital with them. This day I didn’t learn Japanese language as normal because I went to this hospital to laser my moles on my face. I felt very afraid because I had ever been done laser my 2 moles on last month, and I felt hurt. This day I would laser all of moles on my face. They had about 15 moles. At first, a nurse placed anaesthetic on the moles. While I was waiting a doctor to kill me Ahhh!!! Noo!!! to do laser my moles, I am reading my fiction. I waited the doctor for 1 hour and a half. Then, I went to laser room with my mother. At that time, I felt very afraid, and I also cried. For 2-3 minutes, the doctor came in the laser room, and started to laser my moles. My moles had various sizes- big, medium and small. I felt hurt when the doctor did laser my mole that near my lip, and I felt very hurt when she did laser my big mole, and she also injected anaesthetic on the big moles that made me more feel hurt. I was done laser all my 15 moles only ten minutes, but I felt it had 1 hour. After that, my faced had all of plasters on my face. It looked very ugly and strange. I felt I looked like alien. I didn’t feel confident when I went out from the hospital. I felt some people looked at me strange. My grandmother told me that I was done laser my moles on my face for beauty. I told her immediately that if I was done laser mole for beauty, and I felt hurt, I chose I was ugly more than I wasn’t ugly, but I felt hurt, and I didn’t feel confident in myself.
On Friday, it had good luck for me because I didn’t go to my university in this day, so I didn’t show my face that looked like alien to many people’ looking, but on Saturday, I didn’t want to go to my university, and learn English at Chulalongkorn University because there were many plasters on my face that made me feel shy to go outside. I didn’t want to see many people’ strange looking, but my mother forced me to go to my university and learn English at Chulalongkorn University, so I took some plasters that covered up on small moles out before going to learn. It had only three plasters on my face, but it made me feel better a little bit. In the evening, I went to meet the doctor again, and could take three plasters out from my face.
Now, there are two treatments that I am afraid, and don’t like are laser on my moles, and go to the dentist.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Oral Test

On Thursday 23rd of August, 2007 I arrive in ABAC at a quarter to eight. It is very early. Every Thursday I always sleep and wait my close friend, View at S building. She studies in ABAC Bang-Na, but she goes to study a subject that she doesn’t understand clearly at institution, where is near ABAC Hua-Mark every Thursday in the morning. I forget what subject is she doesn’t understand clearly, and I also forget the name of the institution. Because of she studies at the institution at half past nine every Thursday, so we often each other in this day. We seldom meet each other, but some days as this day she can’t go to study in the institution. This day, she studies Ethic at ABAC Bang-Na. I feel disappointed a little bit.
Today, I study only one subject, English II. Everybody in this class doesn’t know that this day has oral test. When I and my friends know that this day has oral test, we feel nervous very much because at first, we think the oral test is about the book that we study, but after that teacher tells everyone that the oral test is about general. Although, it is about general, but we still feel nervous, but it is less than in the first. I feel nervous and excited that what question is teacher will ask me in the oral test, so I and my friends guess many questions that teacher may ask them. I think if he asks me that “what did you do in the evening?” I will answer him that I watched Koo-Gum DVD, and I also tell about this drama. I try to prepare my sentences for this oral test. When I come in to A.Jasper’s room, I feel very excited, and I also forget my sentences that I prepare them before. While I am telling about Koo-Gum, I feel confuse about tense. Finally, I get C+ in this oral test. I feel disappointed very much because I am too excited, so I feel I don’t do it well that I want.
In the next oral test, I will try to not be too excited as this oral test. I don’t know I can do as my purpose, but I will try it in my best.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Watching Meteor

On Saturday 11th of August, 2007 I go to Pakchong that is in Naronratchasima, to watch Meteor on Sunday 12th of August. I go there with my uncle, my aunt and their servant. This is my first time that I don’t go to Pakchong with my mother and my father, so I feel lonely a little bit. After I learn Criminal II in ABAC and English in Chulalongkorn University finished, I come home for packing my bag in few minutes. Then, I go to Fashion Island with my mother and my father. It is shopping mall. We go there to eat dinner with my aunt and my uncle, who are waiting for me. After we eat together finished, my aunt, my uncle, their servant and I go to Pakchong at 7p.m. and we arrive at my uncle and my aunt’s house at midnight. Before I come into their house, I go to their friends’ house that is near with their house. Their friends’ names are Somboon and Took. They are husband and wife. I sit on porch of the house to watch star in the sky with my uncle and his two friends. At that time, there are stars very little and many cloud. The sky is too dark. I sit on there for 30 minutes and I come into my uncle and my aunt’s house. I take a bath, and then I go to living-room to watch a movie on Channel 7 with my uncle. While I am watching the movie with my uncle, my brother and my two sisters arrive at this house with their mother, father and grandmother. Their names are Boss, Beam and Boom. They are children of my uncle’s sister. We had ever met before and we are close each other, especially I am close with Beam. I feel happy because I have brother and two sisters to be friend for me. Moreover, they make me to not feel lonely. I sleep in this day at 2 am. In the morning of Sunday 12th, I get up at half past nine. Everybody has already eaten breakfast. I eat some food that my uncle cooks. He had never cooked before. This is his first time for cooking. The taste of food is delicious a little bit because it is too sweet, but I think my uncle is good for cooking because this is his first time for cooking, and the food can eat, although it is too sweet and delicious a little bit. After my breakfast, I take a bath. Then, I watch P’Bird’s concert (Together), P’Bird’s movie (Koo-Gum) and Summary concert (Kat-Tun VS News plays concert like fighting together) in my uncle and my aunt’ bedroom, but I watch some parts of the DVDs. After that, I watch Korean Series with my aunt, my uncle and read Koo-Gum fiction during watching Korean series, and I also eat some snack while I watching it, but I sleep during I am watching Korean Series. I get up again at 2 pm. Before I sleep, father, mother and grandmother of Boss, Beam and Boom go to city to buy some food for lunch, but when I get up, they don’t come back. I, my uncle, my aunt, Boss, Beam and Boom are waiting for them, but they don’t still come back and we are very hungry, so we decide to go to Outlet, where is a shopping place, to eat something. We eat waffle and ice-cream in Outlet. We are full very much, although we don’t eat some food. After that, we come home. When we arrive at home, father, mother and grandmother of Boss, Beam and Boom have already stayed at home, and some food that they buy are on table, but we are full very much, so that food is our dinner. I feel very excited when it is evening because the sky is clear and I will watch meteor very clearly in the night too. Before I eat dinner, I, my uncle, my aunt, Beam and two servants go to the market fair. My uncle and two servants buy miscellaneous things in the market fair, but I, my aunt and Beam go to VCD shop. My aunt buys Korean series. I change Koo-Gum DVD because one DVD has problem, and buy Kurosaki, which is Yama P was starred. We stay in the market fair and VCD shop for 30 minutes, and we come home very quickly because we want to watch meteor at home, but while we are coming home, it rains, so the sky isn’t clear, and I can’t watch meteor clearly that I want. I feel disappointed. While everybody is eating dinner, it is also raining. After I eat dinner finished, the rain stops. The sky is clear a little bit. I, Beam and Boom wait meteor, but everybody isn’t interested meteor like us. They watch the action movie in the living-room, so it has only I, Beam and Boom sit on the chair and watch on the sky. We have waited meteor for 3 hours, but it hasn’t anything. At that time, No one stay with us. We are waiting for meteor among soundlessness. It looks very fearful. We decide come inside very quickly when the all of the lights in the garden of others house turn off. Moreover, the sky looks too dark that make us feel more fearful. We discuss that how we can do to watch meteor because we are fearful very much, so we decide to wake my uncle up, but he doesn’t get up, so we discuss again that we go to sleep, and we don’t go outside to watch meteor again or we go outside to watch meteor. At first, we decide to go to sleep, but my friend phones me. She also watch meteor in Bangkok. She tells me that at 4 a.m. - 5 a.m. has meteor again, so I and Beam sleep in my uncle and my aunt’s bedroom until at 4 a.m. because their bedroom is near the place that watching meteor, but Boom go to sleep in her bedroom and she doesn’t watch meteor again. At 4 a.m. - 5a.m. I and Beam have waited for meteor. I see only little two meteors, and Beam see only one meteor, but I feel it isn’t enough. I feel disappointed very much. After that, I and Beam go to sleep in my uncle and my aunt’s bedroom again. On Monday in the morning, I get up at half past nine. I eat breakfast before I take a bath. At first, I must come to Bangkok because I must discuss about constitution with my friends in law class at 5 p.m., but it is something that is too busy, so I can’t come home that I want. I and everybody go out from my uncle and my aunt at 1 p.m. We eat lunch in the restaurant. I can’t remember the name of restaurant, and then we go to vineyard. In vineyard has beautiful nature. I photograph many photos, but the weather is very hot. After that, we come back to Bangkok. I arrive home at 10 p.m.
I feel disappointed for this trip very much because I see very few meteors. They are less than I had ever seen for 10 years ago, but I am also happy because I meet Boss, Beam, Boom that I haven’t met them for a long time, and I have freedom in myself that I seldom get it because my mother and my father always control me, but this trip they don’t come with me, so I can get freedom in myself as I want. I feel happy very much, although I feel lonely a little bit.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

My holiday

On Wednesday 8th of August, 2007 I don’t study in this day because there is the Universiade, but I go to my university to do my group’s work and watch Koo-Gum, which is the old drama that my favorite singer or P’Bird was starred with Kwang (Kamonchanok), with Nampheung and Pang. I arrive in Nampheung’s dormitory at 8 o’clock. At that time, it is raining. When I arrive in Nampheung’s dormitory, I see my university is closed, so today we can’t do our group’s work because we must search information about our group’s work in the library. I have stayed in Nampheung’s dormitory for 1 hour. Then, we eat breakfast at cafeteria in ABAC with Pang and Gift. I eat noodle. It isn’t delicious. After that, I go to Pang’s dormitory with Pang and Nampheung.
Because of we can’t do our group’s work, so we watch Koo-Gum in Disc 6 and the end of drama in Disc 7. We have watched this drama for several days. The first day that I brought it to watch in Pang’s dormitory, I thought Pang and Nampheung weren’t interested Koo-Gum, but they were interested it very much. I have favored Koo-Gum in P’Bird version since I was young because P’Bird acted to be Kobori very well. Moreover, he looks very handsome, but I don’t like only the part of the end of the drama because Kobori died. In the past that I watched this part, I also cried. In this present, I think I don’t cry again because I had ever watched this part several times, and I watch with Pang and Nampheung that they are making fun while we are watching Koo-Gum. I think this is my first time that I don’t cry very much when I watch the end of the drama, but finally I also cry very much as in the past. I start crying since before the part of drama that Kobori died. At first, Nampheung doesn’t cry, but she starts crying in the part that Kobori died, but Pang doesn’t cry. The reason that I always cry when I watch this part are I have pity on Kobori because he had never been happy because Kobori loves heroine or Angsumalin. He does everything for her, but she hates him. When she loves him, she doesn’t show her real feeling to tell him that she loves him, but when she will show him to know that she loves him, he is going to die. Moreover, sometimes I don’t see Kobori died, but I see P’Bird died that is the important reason that makes me cry easily. My eye and Nampheung’s eyes are swelled. We watch this drama for 7 hours, and we don’t eat food in our lunch.
After we watch this drama finished, we go down from Pang’s dormitory, and we go to Oscar restaurant to eat some food in our dinner. We feel hungry very much. Although, I feel hungry very much, but I eat Pat-Tai a little bit. After we eat our dinner finished, we go to S building to read English book together. At that time, it rains a little bit. In S building, it has many mosquitoes. We are also bitten and annoyed by many mosquitoes. We read English book about 1 hour. Then, we go to Nampheung’s dormitory to watch Glin-Kaew-Klang-Jai, which is a drama on Channel 3, is end of the story in today. I watch about 30 minutes, and I go home. It has traffic jam during I come home. I arrive home at half past eight.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Watching Harry Potter in 3D

On Thursday I normally study a piano lesson and a Japanese lesson, but today, August 2, I didn’t study them because I went to watch Harry Potter in 3D at IMAX Theatre at Siam Paragon with my aunt from Narathiwat and my uncle. I have never watched a cinema in3D before. In fact, I wanted to watch it since last Thursday but my parents were too busy. At that time, I felt sad because my parents promised me that they would take me to watch Harry Potter in3D on that day. After that, my parents promised again that they would take me to watch Harry Potter in 3D on Monday , July 30, but when we went to IMAX theatre, one of the staff of IMAX theatre told us that the screen was out of order, so my aunt, my uncle and I went to watch it on Thursday.
Before we watched Harry Potter in 3D, we ate lunch very quickly. Harry Potter in 3D started at 2.00 p.m. Our seats were near the cinema screen. The IMAX theatre had a bigger and wider screen than that of other theatres. The entire story wasn’t in 3D. We watched Harry Potter in 3D for only 20 minutes before the end that the staffs of the theatre showed green 3D glasses symbol on the cinema screen to tell everybody to put on 3D glasses. At first, I think the time was too short for watching 3D, but after I watched the movie in 3D. I feel it is too long because I feel stunned very much. Harry Potter in 3D ended at 4.15 p.m.
I feel disappointed a little bit because the story isn’t fun and exciting as I think. Moreover, the Thai subtitles aren’t clear.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Society of the Royal Navy Concert "Red-Cross Concert"

On Thursday 19th of July, 2007 I go to The Society of Royal Navy concert “Red-Cross concert” at Thai Culture Center with my aunt and my uncle. At first, I go to this concert with my father and my mother, but my father is sick, so I go to this concert with my aunt and my uncle. I also bring camera and telescope. I had ever gone to the Society of the Royal Navy concert before. It had 2 parts. First part, The Royal Navy Band produced melody and second part had invited singers to sing with this band. I didn’t like the first part because it made me feel sleepy, but I liked the second part because it didn’t look boring like the first part, and I liked listening to invited singers sang with the Royal Navy Band more than listening to only produced melody. By the way, the Red-Cross concert has 2 days, on 19th and 20th of July. The concert starts at seven o’clock in the night. Our seats are far from the stage. The concert has 2 parts as the first time that I went to the Society of the Royal Navy concert in the first time. First part, the Royal Navy Band produces melody of songs that writings by the king, but this time I feel sleepy a little bit because it has my favorite songs are produced melody. In the first part, it has many people, but many seats are empty too, but in the second part I feel surprised because the seats are full. The second part has three invited singers. Each invited singer sings only 2 songs that writing by the king and songs write for the king by Mr.Nitipon Hornak, who is famous composer. The only reason that I decide to go to this concert is one of three invited singers has my favorite singer, P’Bird Thongchai McIntyre. The First of invited singers is P’Pat Sutasinee Putthinan. Her voice is hoarse because she is sick. In normally, her voice is very well, but I feel impressed with her because she has spirit. She goes to sing this concert, although she is sick. The Second of invited singers is Mrs. Thiranai Na Nongkai. Her voice is very well. While the 2 invited singers sing songs, many people listen to their voice with becoming quite. No one talks or photograph. This concert doesn’t allow photographing too, but the last of invited singers, P’Bird comes to the stage, everything changes immediately. It has scream from many people, everyone takes photograph him and it has laughing from everybody. It is like the Red-Cross concert is changed to P’ Bird’s concert. I take photograph him alternating with watch him with my telescope. He looks very handsome with suit. I feel very happy and excited. Today, his voice is hoarse like P’Pat. I think he is sick too. I have pity on him, but I feel impressed him too because he has spirit and responsibility for his work. After P’ Bird sings 2 songs finished, The three invited singers sing songs together with The Society of the Royal Navy Band. Before the three invited singer come back to back of the stage, someone call P’Bird loudly. She calls him that P’Bird turn back again!!!! He also turn back follow her wishing and smile. After that it has harmonized singers of the Royal Navy Band sing 2 songs that writing by the kings. I take photograph P'Bird about 32 pictures.The concert is finished at ten o’clock in the night.