Friday, November 10, 2006

THU 9/11/2006

Today is the first day that I change my ENG 1 for law 'sclassroom from SEC.881 to SEC.888. I am very excited because this is my first time that I meet and learn with A.Jasper. In the morning, I get up at 5.30 AM. I feel sleepy very much, but I must get up because I have a class at 9.30 AM that I learn ENG 1 for law . If I didn't get up now, I would be late. I eat a Thai soup ,which I ate in my dinner yesterday, with rice in my breakfast. I go to my university, Assumption University (ABAC) at 6.30 AM. I arrive at my close friend's dormitory ,where is near with my university, at 6.45 AM. Her name is Nampheung. She stays with her mother.I arrive here early because my house and my university don't far. I often stay in Nampheung's dormitory in the morning before I go to my classroom and I bring a breakfast to Nampheung every morning that I go to her dormitory. I and Nampheung study in the same sections and same subjects except only Economics that we learn in different section. We go to our classroom at 9.15 AM. We aren't in a hurry to go to our classroom because A building that we learn is very close with Nampheug's dormitory. I go to toilet before we go to our classroom. When we arrive in our classroom, it hasn't anybody. I turn on the light but not turn on the air. We wait for a minute, our friend comes in. I don't remember what is his name. Later on, A. Jasper comes in and after that others persons come in classroom. At first, I meet A. Jasper, I am afraid. That is my habit, I always be afraid when I meet a new person. but after that, I am not afraid beause A. Jasper is kind. When I don't understand some vocabularies, he doesn't be angry. He wait me for I search some vocabularies that I don't understand. Moreover, he explains others vocabularies for me. It makes me to feel impressive. In this class, A. Jasper gives a homework to us. It is about the Death Penalty that I agree or disagree and why I agree or disagree it. I feel that this homework is difficult for me. I feel afraid that I do this homework badly. Before we finish this class, A.Jasper and us go to A.Jasper's room in order to register in http:// beta.blogger in order to we write a blog that like a diary. I and Nampheung never seen or do it.This is our first time. After we register in this web finish, this class is finished too. Today, I learn only one subject. After I learn finish, I go to hospital with my mother and my uncle. I have an earache many day but a doctor said " my ear is normal but I have a cold and my tonsil is infammable that maybe have effect to my ear".While I am coming home by my car, I watch Princess hours that is Korea Series with my mother and my uncle. It is very fun. I come home at 8.00 PM. Today, it has Kaew-Ta Pee,which is my favourite television play is an end and Pen-Tor,which is my favourite series, I watch Pen-Tor every week, but today is different from I ever watch because this screen has my daughter play.

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