Friday, November 10, 2006

Fri 10/11/2006

Today, I learn two subjects. I don't go to Nampheung's dormitory because it is too early and I don't want to disturb her. In the morning,I go to my Economics 's class nearly late.This class starts at 8.00AM. I leave my house at 7.00 AM and I arrive in this class at five to eight.That is only five minutes.I am very lucky because my teacher doesn't come. Economics is my hateful subject. I haven't like this subject since I studied in St.Joseph Convent. It makes me to feel bored and sleepy very much.Since I have studied this subject in ABAC, I never understand it. It is very terrible.While my teacher is teaching, I feel sleepy because this subject is very bored and medicines that a doctor gave me yesterday,but I am alert immediately because three students,who sleep,are warned by my teacher. After this boring class is finished, At first, I will go to Namphueng's dormitory,but View,who is my close friend, phones to me,so I decides to stay with View. I phones to Nampheung to tell her that I don't go to her dormitory in order to she doesn't wait for me and I tell her about we shall meet at 10.30AM at Nampheung's dormitory. The another subject is Science that starts at 11.00AM. This subject I learn with View and Nampheung.While I am waiting for the time, I am eating French-Fried with View in MC Donald.View doesn't eat tomato sauce.I am very full.When at 10.30AM,I and View go to Nampheung's dormitory and we go to Science's classroom. We must arrive at the Science's classroom before ten minutes to the time that this class starts because on Tuesday, we arrive in the Science's classroom at 11.00AM, we don't have seat that we sit together.After this class is finished, I go to Silom with my mother. I learn Japanese language. This language is my favourite language because I like Japanese singers.Their name are Jin Akanishi and Kazuya Kamenashi.They are one of a famous Japanese band,KAT-TUN and I like this band too,so I learn Japanese language in order to understand when they speak or sing a song.This language is very difficult but I like.I learn this language for 2 hours. After finished, I go to my old school,ST.Joseph Convent in order to meet my teacher.I talk about everthing such as my subjects,my grade and my friends.I talk with my teacher for 1 hours and I leave my old school. Before I leave my old school,I hug my teacher.Then, I go to Chidlom.Before I go to Chidlom,I go to Siam in order to buy fictions.I buy two fictions.I am very tired because the shop that sell fictions is very far.After that, I go to Chidlom.I arrive Chidlom at 6.00 PM.I eat a dinner in The Terrace's restaurant with my mother and my father.While I am goig home by my car.I watch Princess Hours with my mother.I arrive home at 8.20PM.Today,I watch Majung in Channel 34 of UBC that has only old muic video.I watch Sabye Sabye that is the old music video of my favourite Thai singer, Thongchai Mcintyre or P'Bird.I am very happy because I don't watch this music video for a long time.

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