Sunday, November 26, 2006

My favourite Japanese singer (Jin Akanishi)

His name is Jin Akanishi. His nickname is Jin or Hitoshi,but mostly called him "Jin" or "Akanishi".HIs birthday is 4 July,1984.He is older than Kame 2 years and than me 4 years. His blood type is O.His star sign is Cancer.Because of he often eats food,his animal symbol is pig.His house is in Tokyo,Japan. He has one younger brother,but his younger brother isn't handsome like him.His close friends are Ryo Nishikido (Ryo),Kazuya Kamenashi (Kame) and Yamashita Tomohisa (Yama P),especially Yama P and Kame are very close friend because Yama P and Jin have been close friend since Jin was young and Kame and Jin entered in Johnny' at the same time and they have got along together since they entered in this company.Moreover, Kame and Jin are one of members of KAT-TUN band.
He is a tall and handsome man.When he wears a suit or black cloths,he looks smart and more handsome than normal. He has got white complexion.He has got black hair,but you often see he has got brown or blonde hair.He has got black and big eyes.His eyes is very attractive.When I look in his eyes, I always feel shy.I feel that my heart as if melting. It looks over feeling,but it is real feeling.He has got a prominent nose, arched eyebrows and beautiful fingers.He often looks sexy,especially when he sings or dances.I think,he is the most sexy singer of his band and others Japanese singers.
He is a friendly and cheerful man. He always plays and talks with his friends when his free time or while breaking time from his work.He is responsible for his work,but he doesn't often serious.He has always fun and act joking that makes everybody on all sides also feel fun.His joy is one of his charm that makes many people love him.
His favourite colours are red and black.His favourite sport is football. His favourite singer is Takizawa Hideaki or Tacky,who is a singer in Johnny' like Jin.Jin has characters like him too such as cheerful and responsible for a work.Moreover,Jin also looks like Tackey that sometimes,someone says that Jin is real brother of Tackey.I agree too.His favourite food are everything, but especially are ramen, spaghetti and pasta.His favourite language is English.He wants to speak English well.I had ever heard he speaks English.It is very good.His favourite countries are Italia, Spain and America and his favourite animal is puppy.He has two puppies.first puppy's name is Pin that is Yama P,who is his close friend, names to it and another puppy I don't remember its name, but I remembers that it was bought at the same time with Kame's puppy.
He has many abilities.He sings many songs very well.Especially when he sings with Kame.That song is very melodious that everybody and me feel in a rapture.Furthermore, he can write many songs such as Love or Like,Will be all right,Precious one and Gloria etc.Many songs that he write are songs of his band,KAT-TUN and they are famous and sweet-sounding.Not only he can sings a song and write a song well, but also he can act well.His drama that he had ever acted are Gokuzen 2 that played with Kame,who is his close friend.This drama is very famous and Anego.
Now,This joy guide suspends from his duties.He goes to study language in America for 6 months or more than 6 months.This news that makes not only his fans feel shock and very sad ,but also his friends.It is too haste for us.I cried about 2 days and felt unhappy 1 weeks.I feel afraid that he doesn't come back to be a singer.It had ever had singer in other band.He goes to study language like Jin and didn't come back again.I felt better when I saw he gave information about he suspended from his duties.He promised to everybody that he will come back again certainly. I believe his promise and I hope that he will do follow his promise.


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