Saturday, September 8, 2007

Feel Happy to study with A. Jasper

I have studied Eng II with A. Jasper. The first time that I met him when I studied in English I, I felt very afraid of him, and wanted to study with another teacher, but Nampheung suggested I study with him, so I did, and I didn’t feel disappointed. While I was studying with him, I found that he was a kind and warm teacher. Not only was he my teacher, but he also looked like my father. Although I made mistakes or did something stupid, he never felt angry with me. He laughed only, and he also corrected them. I remember a situation that I think it looked funny and stupid. A. Jasper taught an idiom “A piece of cake”, and he asked his students in the class “What is the meaning of this idiom” I told him with confidence that “One cake”. He looked confused for a few minutes. He laughed and told us the right meaning. Through I was studying with him in English I, it was impressing for me, and it made me want to study with him again in Eng II. I remembered that when Nampheung and I told him we wanted to study with him again. He looked happy. It made me feel happy too. In English II we study with him again as I wanted. He is still a kind and warm teacher. In Eng II, there are often tests such as Feot and Oral Test etc. I always feel excited when I test in each oral test, but he doesn’t look bad- tempered. He tries to make me calm down. Moreover, he is always fair with his students.
It has about 2 weeks that I study finished in Eng II, and in English III, I won’t study with him. I feel bad and lonely because I don’t want to adjust with another teacher in English III, and I think he is the best teacher for me. I hope that I will study Emglish III with him again.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

I have enjoyed you as a student in my class as well. And I am sure that you will be OK in the future. Diligent and cheerful students like you always prevail!

P.S. It will be a piece of cake!! ;-)