Saturday, September 8, 2007

Feel Happy to study with A. Jasper

I have studied Eng II with A. Jasper. The first time that I met him when I studied in English I, I felt very afraid of him, and wanted to study with another teacher, but Nampheung suggested I study with him, so I did, and I didn’t feel disappointed. While I was studying with him, I found that he was a kind and warm teacher. Not only was he my teacher, but he also looked like my father. Although I made mistakes or did something stupid, he never felt angry with me. He laughed only, and he also corrected them. I remember a situation that I think it looked funny and stupid. A. Jasper taught an idiom “A piece of cake”, and he asked his students in the class “What is the meaning of this idiom” I told him with confidence that “One cake”. He looked confused for a few minutes. He laughed and told us the right meaning. Through I was studying with him in English I, it was impressing for me, and it made me want to study with him again in Eng II. I remembered that when Nampheung and I told him we wanted to study with him again. He looked happy. It made me feel happy too. In English II we study with him again as I wanted. He is still a kind and warm teacher. In Eng II, there are often tests such as Feot and Oral Test etc. I always feel excited when I test in each oral test, but he doesn’t look bad- tempered. He tries to make me calm down. Moreover, he is always fair with his students.
It has about 2 weeks that I study finished in Eng II, and in English III, I won’t study with him. I feel bad and lonely because I don’t want to adjust with another teacher in English III, and I think he is the best teacher for me. I hope that I will study Emglish III with him again.

One of my horrible experiences

On Thursday 7th of September, 2007 I have the thread in my ingrown operation removed after the operation last Thursday. From last Thursday to Tuesday I couldn’t eat anything except soup, and rice porridge. They weren’t delicious, and they made me lose my appetite. Moreover, I couldn’t talk to anyone because of the pain from the operation and because of the fact that the thread hurt the lining of my cheek. I felt very bad. Last Thursday that I had just hewed my ingrown tooth, a lot of blood came out of the wound. I felt nauseated and pain. That night I was sick.
On Tuesday, I felt annoyed with the part of the silk that pricked my cheek, so I went to Bumrungrad Hospital with my mother to have only the part of the silk removed. The dentist, who was my mother’s friend, did it for me. After that, I could talk but not much. I could eat normally, but not much either.
On Wednesday, I could talk more, and I could eat some biscuits, chocolate and potato chips. I felt very happy.
Today I feel terrified, but I also feel happy at the same time because I will have my thread removed. My friend told me that it wasn’t painful. Although, I asked my friends about the thread removal, I still feel afraid. Before I go to the dentist’s room to my hands are cold and pale. When I have the silk removed, it isn’t the same as my friend told me. I feel hurt like something pinches my gum. The dentist asks me when I will be hewed my three ingrown teeth . I tell him immediately that I want to hew them after the final exam.
After the removal, I feel very happy. I can eat everything, and talk or sing a song.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Split ingrown tooth

On Thursday 30th of August, 2007 I had my ingrown operated at 7.30 P.M. at Bumrungrad Hospital. That day, I felt very worried, and afraid. I asked many friends, who had their ingrown operated, that “How did they feel?” My friends told the consoled me to make me feel calm down, and not feel too scared. Although, I knew the method of split ingrown tooth, I was still very afraid. Before the operation, I learnt the piano lesson and Japanese language, but I didn’t have concentration on them because I was very worried, and afraid about the operation. While I was going to the hospital, I felt very afraid, and my body was also shaking because of my fear, although I was watching Wan-Nee-Tee-Ror-Koy, which was the drama that my favorite singer, Pi Bird played, my anxiety didn’t decrease. My heart was beating faster than normal. When I arrived at the hospital, I felt very bad, and I also cried. I waited for the dentist for few minutes. The dentist looked kind, but I was still scared. During the operation, the dentist tried to make me calm down. I felt hurt a little bit because I was injected with anaesthetic before the operation. It took 30 minutes. The dentist hewed only one ingrown tooth because he saw that I feel afraid. While I was going home, I applied some ice on that cheek to prevent swelling. At night, I slept very quickly because the anaesthetic disappeared, and I felt a lot of pain . All the night, my family applied some ice on the cheek.
There are still 3 ingrown teeth to be hewn. Although, the operation doesn’t look frightening as I had felt before, I still hate it, and I don’t want to experience that again.